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学生功课备忘录与练习手册 V3 Buku Peringatan & Komunikasi Murid V3 [HYPERSURF] 978-967-443-0320 RM2.80(WM)/3.20(EM)

RM 2.80

学生功课备忘录与练习手册 V3
Buku Peringatan & Komunikasi Murid V3 [HYPERSURF] 978-967-443-0320

- 八种思维图作参考
- 每页附加激励语鼓励学生
- 备有实用表格:时间表,我的任务,阅读记录
- 备有SWOC自我分析表让学生更了解自己


- Eight types of mind maps for reference
- Additional motivational quote to encourage students
- Practical table available: timetable, my tasks, reading records
- A SWOC self-analysis table is available to help students understand themselves better

Suitable for:
Year 1 to Year 6

1. 由于原材料供应、制造工艺、方法和机器,可能存在设计/尺寸/语言/颜色/包装偏差。
2. 因拍摄光线、角度、显示器不同,图片可能与实物颜色不符。

1. There may be design/size/language/colour/packaging deviations due to raw material availability, manufacturing processes, methods and machines.
2. The pictures may not reflect the actual colour of the item because of the differences in photographing light, angle and display monitor.

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