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一个都不能少华文书写 六年级 [立德] Siri Aspirasi Proteks Penulisan Bahasa Cina Tahun 6 [ELITEGUH] 978-967-032-2315 RM4.90(WM)/5.40(EM)

RM 4.90

一个都不能少华文书写 六年级 [立德] 
Siri Aspirasi Proteks Penulisan Bahasa Cina Tahun 6 [ELITEGUH] 978-967-032-2315

- 书写指导与佳句推荐榜提高学生书写能力
- 依据不同类型的作文指导学生审题的方式
- 各类型的作文让学生轻松掌握华文书写
- 备有完整范文作为参考

- 教师指导学生书写
- 学生练习提升书写能力

- Writing guidance and good sentence recommendation to improve students' writing ability
- Instruct students to review questions based on different types of essays
- Various types of essays allow students to easily master Chinese writing
- Complete sample essay for reference

Suitable for
- Teachers guide students to write
- Students practice to improve writing skills

1. 由于原材料供应、制造工艺、方法和机器,可能存在设计/尺寸/语言/颜色/包装偏差。
2. 因拍摄光线、角度、显示器不同,图片可能与实物颜色不符。

1. There may be design/size/language/colour/packaging deviations due to raw material availability, manufacturing processes, methods and machines.
2. The pictures may not reflect the actual colour of the item because of the differences in photographing light, angle and display monitor. 

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